
Atem Mediation

“I have come to the conclusion that the greatest obstacle to getting what we really want in life is not the other party, as difficult as he or she can be. The biggest obstacle is actually ourselves.” William Ury

Application Procedures

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You can resolve your legal disputes through Atem Mediation. It is enough to apply for this.

If you have a legal dispute, you can apply to the person with whom you are in dispute through Atem Mediation and solve this problem online.

Evaluation is important for the resolution of disputes between the parties.

Atem evaluates the legal dispute of the person or institution you are in dispute with.
Notifies you of the advantages and risk evaluations about the mediation issue by Atem

Atem evaluates the legal dispute of the person or institution you are in dispute with.
Notifies you of the advantages and risk assessments on the subject of mediation by Atem

Atem invites the person or institution with whom you are in dispute to negotiate your legal dispute.

The respondent invited by Atem enters the dispute resolution portal and answers your application and the negotiations begin. It sends you the Mediation Result Record, which is a verdict signed by your mediator and the respondent. This decision has the same legal protection as the result obtained from the courts.

After the application, the parties are brought together by the mediator and the problem is resolved. Thus, while expenses such as court, lawyer, expert, appeal are over, the solution takes place within weeks, not years.

In which disputes can I apply for mediation?

Parties may apply to mediation method in private law disputes that do not concern public order and on which they can freely dispose of. In the cases related to claims for claims and compensation, the subject of which is the payment of a certain amount of money, it is necessary to apply to the mediator before the lawsuit is filed in accordance with Article 5 / A of Law No. 7155. In accordance with Article 3 of Law No. 7036, it is a condition of the lawsuit that the mediator has been applied to the mediator in the lawsuits filed with the demand for employee or employer receivables and compensation based on the law, individual or collective labor agreement.

What are the Benefits of Mediation Method?

  • Disputes result in a short time.
  • It is a more economical method than judgment.
  • With its flexibility feature, it enables the creation of alternative solutions and agreements and the diversification of relationships.
  • The scope of the agreement can be determined by the parties, and the fatigue of uncertainty is saved.
  • Provides re-analysis of interests and meeting common values.
  • Allows risk analysis with the help of the confidentiality principle in the process.

What are the mediation costs?

The mediator determines his wages according to his labor, experience and the nature of the job, observing the rules of fairness and honesty, not to be below the Mediation Minimum Wage History. Unless otherwise agreed, the mediation fee is paid by the parties in half. During the mediation process, if they get help from the experts and the lawyers of the parties, the fees determined are paid to the related parties. If special expenses (travel expenses etc.) specific to the meeting are incurred in the process, the parties pay the expenses.

  • In Labor-Employer Disputes,
  • In Insurance Disputes,
  • In Commercial Disputes,
  • In disputes arising from Valuable Documents,
  • In disputes arising from Company Law,
  • In disputes arising from Intellectual Property Law,
  • In disputes arising from Banking and Finance Law,
  • In disputes arising from Health Law,
  • In disputes arising from Energy Law,
  • In disputes arising from Mining Law,
  • In some disputes regarding Family Law,
  • In disputes arising from Sports Law,
  • In disputes arising from Construction Law,
  • In Consumer Disputes

Mediation services are provided by expert staff at Atem.